Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Strange how the weather calls for rain both today & tomorrow, and yet it has been very sunny all day! It was a perfect day for a tee, shorts, and flip-flops while driving with the windows down. Just another glorious Spring day... even my horoscope agrees. I love it! :)

"Seek out the simple pleasures today, because there's not much else you need right
now to make you happy. Everything you need you already have, as you will come to more fully understand today. "

So, I took it easy, proofed more photos and getting some of them printed tonight. I'm finally ready to scrapbook our move from last summer, 8 months to this day, and the new house as well. I think I've got the right supplies for them, makes me excited just thinking about it. I will include a couple of photos of my scraproom too... my fave place in the house, next to the kitchen, that is. And, speaking of which, here's an updated photo taken at night. I've previously posted more photos here.

Well, not much else goin' on here, just getting dinner finished up before hubby gets home from work... maybe watch the new 24 episode later. Anyway, the kiddies are done with their homework and the lil' one's taken his bath, so that's it for now.